August 25, 2024

Bangladesh floods: “Cries for help suddenly pierced the air”

Dire flooding in Bangladesh has stranded over a million families. Discover how BRAC teams rescued two men stranded by the floods.

Two men, one wearing a black shirt, and another wearing a green shirt, hold tight to a leafy green tree submerged in flood waters

On August 23, a speedboat carrying BRAC’s frontline workers in Feni, one of the districts worst affected by historical flooding in eastern Bangladesh, was making its way back from an emergency aid drop. Due to the region’s challenging geography, there are only a few roads leading to the rescue sites. BRAC staff members Sadiqure Rahman Himu and Monerul Islam, both on board with a rescue team, moved through communities inundated with floodwaters to provide support. They took time to share what happened:

“As the boat trailed through a flood-stricken area, cries for help suddenly pierced the air. The sounds seemed to come from no specific direction, prompting the crew to slow down to assess the situation.

“The team spotted two young men, aged between 20 and 22, desperately clinging to the branches of a partially submerged tree. They were fighting to hold on against the river’s violent current. Their neighbors, who could see the men in the tree, were crying out for assistance.

“Our boat approached, and the team pulled the men aboard. Once the young men were safe, it became clear what had happened. They were locals, and had been trying to navigate their way through the flood water.

“Unfortunately, the current had swept them away, forcing them to grab hold of the tree. Although their neighbors stood from where they could see the young men, the strong current prevented anyone from getting any closer. They had waited anxiously, hoping for rescue.”

With the help of BRAC employees, the two young men were eventually reunited with their families.


Massive aid effort underway

BRAC, which was founded in Bangladesh 52 years ago, has deployed a 5,000-person team to provide aid to the most affected people in 9 districts. Teams have already distributed 20,233 dry food packets and 1,580 packets of cooked meals. Life-saving awareness messages are being disseminated through three community radio stations.

On Monday, August 26, BRAC will distribute an additional 10,000 packets of dry food across affected districts, and over 15 tons of cattle feed will be distributed in Lakshmipur and Moulvibazar, rural districts where livestock underpins livelihoods.

Thanks to a partnership with Square Toiletries, BRAC teams will also distribute 13,230 packets of sanitary napkins to affected women. BRAC will also mobilize seven medical teams, including seven medical officers and 21 paramedics in the five most severely affected districts. 

Meanwhile, BRAC continues rapidly assessing the evolving needs to determine additional assistance for the individuals facing the worst impacts from this emergency.


Global appeal for donations

BRAC has launched a global appeal for donations to support families as they navigate the crisis. Make your secure online gift to support people in need today. Donors based in Bangladesh can make donations here.

  • $635 will help a family rebuild their house
  • $340 will help repair a damaged tube well
  • $340 will aid the reconstruction of a latrine
  • $20 can support a family’s most basic needs for two weeks

Written by Mica Bevington, Director of Communications at BRAC USA.

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