June 24, 2024

From South Sudan to Uganda: Sarah Jane’s story

Meet Sarah Jane, a refugee from South Sudan who knew of BRAC before she came to Uganda — and was excited to see some familiar magenta in her new country.

Annet poses with her shop stall



Meet Sarah Jane, a refugee from South Sudan living in Uganda who saved money to change her own life.

Today’s the last day of Refugee Week, a chance to call attention to the 110 million people worldwide who have been displaced from their homes. Too often, refugees are forgotten by the news cycle, funders, and international NGOs. But BRAC remains there, providing services and support — and we know you’re still there, too.

In a crisis of this magnitude, we can either give up — or give generously. You seem like the kind of person to choose option two! Will you give vulnerable families food, water, shelter, health care, and education?

Take action: Donate today to make a difference for refugees like Sarah Jane.

Sarah Jane in front of her home.

Sarah Jane and her four children now live at the Imvepit refugee settlement in Arua, Uganda, which hosts thousands of refugees from South Sudan. 

Sarah Jane is a mom of four who lives at the Imvepit refugee settlement in Arua, Uganda. Before coming to Uganda, Sarah Jane was a teacher in her home country of South Sudan. Her mother was a businesswoman who was supported by BRAC, and Sarah Jane herself even worked in a BRAC school!

Sarah Jane in front of her home.

Now, Sarah Jane is part of BRAC’s Ultra-Poor Graduation program and her local Village Savings and Loan Association. The 30 refugee women in the Loketa Savings Group help each other save money. They also spend a lot of time singing, dancing, and laughing!

“[Before] BRAC arrived, we really suffered,” Sarah Jane reflects. In Uganda, it can be hard for South Sudanese women to succeed in business. But the savings group is helping them overcome that barrier. In their first year, they saved 7.1 million shillings (equal to $1,874)!

Sarah Jane in front of her home.

The Loketa Savings Group is made up of 30 refugee women who help each other save money and achieve their financial goals. Sarah Jane says these savings changed her life.

The impact of these savings? “It has changed my life,” Sarah Jane says. “There [has been] a big change in our families and even in our children.” One woman in the group used her savings to rent land for cassava farming. Another enrolled her kids in school. Someone else bought tailoring materials to grow her small business.

Sarah Jane’s story is proof of what’s possible when refugees receive the support and resources they need.

A closeup portrait of Annet's daughter, Emma

Globally, 110 million refugees have been affected by displacement, loss, and trauma. Rush your gift today to help them rebuild their lives. By donating today, you’re not only giving money—you’re giving opportunity to amazing people like Sarah Jane.

Learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of refugees like Sarah Jane. Thank you for ensuring that no refugee goes unsupported.


Annet leads a discussion at her village savings and loan association group meeting


Sarah Allen is Communications Manager at BRAC USA.