June 25, 2024

US State Department Recognizes a Bangladeshi with Trafficking in Persons Hero Award

TIP Hero and trafficking survivor from Bangladesh who went on to help 34,000 other survivors awarded by US State Department

Al-Amin receives TIP award in Washington DC

DHAKA, 25 June 2024 – Md Al-Amin Noyon, who was trafficked himself, was recognized by the US State Department with the prestigious Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Hero Award on Monday. The award recognizes outstanding individuals around the world who are fighting to end human trafficking. 

“At the airport, not a day goes by when I don’t meet a returning migrant worker who has a harrowing experience to share. Hopefully this recognition will inspire others to support them. Their stories of survival and courage show the many dangers and pitfalls that await Bangladeshi migrant workers,” explained Noyon, who is also an active member of ANIRBAN, a survivor-led platform that raises awareness about human trafficking and advocates for survivors’ rights.

Noyon migrated from Bangladesh to Malaysia 17 years ago for a job in a multinational company. He, along with hundreds of other migrant workers, was being starved, beaten and held captive in a warehouse deep in a jungle. After six months, Noyon and 60 fellow migrants broke the glass windows of the warehouse and made a run for it. Other people heard the news and joined them, and eventually 110 people made it to the Bangladesh embassy in Malaysia and returned home. 

Drawing from his own harrowing experience, Noyon has dedicated his life to supporting other survivors. He has helped over 34,000 Bangladeshi trafficking survivors and migrants with emergency and reintegration support in the last 15 years as the manager of the BRAC Migration Welfare Centre in Bangladesh

The award was presented by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington DC at the annual launch of the Trafficking in Persons report, one of the most comprehensive resources on anti-trafficking efforts around the globe.

Globally, an estimated 27 million people at any given time are being trafficked. Women and children are particularly targeted – 11 million women are estimated to be trafficked every year. Approximately 400 women and children in Bangladesh are trafficked every month.

BRAC has directly supported more than 61,000 migrants to date, more than half of whom are returnee migrants who receive immediate assistance upon arrival at an airport. BRAC has approximately 1000 dedicated volunteers, 305 staff members and 35 psycho-social counsellors working to support migrants, and mobilises its 3,500 offices across Bangladesh to support rehabilitation and reintegration.


Notes to the editor

About BRAC

BRAC is an international development organization known for its community-led, holistic approach and delivering long-term impact at scale. BRAC works with communities in marginalized situations, hard-to-reach areas and post-disaster settings across Asia and Africa, with a particular focus on women and children. BRAC innovates, pilots, perfects, and scales poverty solutions. Born in Bangladesh in 1972, BRAC today reaches more than 100 million people in 17 countries.


Based in New York City, BRAC USA is an independent 501(c)3 organization that strengthens BRAC’s impact by raising awareness and mobilizing resources to support and amplify its programs for the people we serve.

Experts, photos and b-roll available
  • Md Al-Amin Noyon
  • Local teams on the ground, or other trafficking survivors
  • Other members of BRAC senior leadership
  • Photos and b-roll available for use so long as copyright is included and images are not used out of situational context:
    • Photo 1: Al-Amin Noyon receives the award from the US Secretary of State during the unveiling of the TIP Report at the US State Department. © BRAC
    • Photo 2: Al-Amin Noyon has dedicated his life to helping trafficking survivors like him reintegrate into society. © BRAC
    • Video: Al-Amin Noyon in action at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport as he helps returnee migrants reintegrate. © BRAC
To interview Al-Amin Noyon, please contact:
  • SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (GMT+10): Sarah-Jane Saltmarsh, Head, Thought Leadership | Mobile: +61477 910 903 | WhatsApp: +88017 38937985 | [email protected]
  • DHAKA, BANGLADESH (GMT+6): Ayan Soofi | Mobile / WhatsApp +88017 14414262 | [email protected]
  • WASHINGTON, DC (GMT – 5): Mica Bevington | Mobile / WhatsApp +1-202-290-9264 | [email protected]
  • LONDON, UK: Chris Lyne | Mobile / WhatsApp +44 07365 267617 | [email protected]