Poverty is not destiny

Be a force for hope: Donate now

When we work together to end poverty, we see results


children graduated from BRAC schools


vulnerable women and families accessing microfinance services


families graduated out of extreme poverty


farmers trained to increase their productivity and income

Your gift has a ripple effect for families living in poverty

There was a time when Scholastica used to have to ask her neighbors for a little salt to add to her family’s meals. But, with ten children – four biological and six adopted from her community – the requests started to add up. Eventually, she stopped asking. But, like all mothers, Scholastica was determined to provide for her children. After joining BRAC's Graduation program, Scholastica leveraged her aptitude for entrepreneurship and started a vegetable stand. Now, with her expanding grocery business, her children never go to bed hungry.

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Give the gift of hope to people living in poverty — and power new stories of transformation every single month.