We're calling on generous people like you to help smart, generous women live extraordinary lives. Will you answer the call?
Women are catalysts of change. BRAC has set an audacious goal: To raise $1 million for Extraordinary Women by December 31st. Throughout our ambitious campaign, we’re spotlighting five Extraordinary Women who represent tenacity and ingenuity. These women used proven solutions from BRAC to build a ladder and climb out of poverty. Now, they’re ushering the next generation up to the highest rungs. Read their stories below, and help us power more Extraordinary Women in 2025.
people reached across South Asia and Africa
smallholder farmers trained in sustainable farming, with a focus on women
children graduated from BRAC schools
women graduated out of extreme poverty in Bangladesh
Extraordinary Woman
Extraordinary Woman: Meet Mary
When doctors diagnosed Mary with HIV, neighbors turned their backs on her. But instead of giving up, she became an entrepreneur, community health promoter, and village leader advocating for women. Read her Extraordinary story.
Double your impact for Extraordinary Women.
Make a gift today & get it MATCHED to create 2x the opportunities for women around the world to rise above poverty.
Your Extraordinary guide to holiday giving with BRAC
This year, your holiday gift can support an Extraordinary Woman or empower an artisan. Check off your holiday shopping this year with BRAC.
You can help 2x the Extraordinary Women reach their potential.
Your gift of any size will be MATCHED to empower women and girls with the services, tools, and opportunities they need to reach their full potential.
Campaign kickoff: Watch the recording
Julia Roberts, CEO of BRAC USA, chatted with Rozina Haque, head of BRAC's Ultra-Poor Graduation program, to kick off our Extraordinary Women campaign and share a message of urgency and hope.