Ying-Jou (Tiara) Huang

Photo of Ying-Jou (Tiara) Huang

Ying-Jou (Tiara) Huang is a Senior Associate of Individual Giving at BRAC USA. She advances BRAC USA’s individual giving and donor engagement efforts through research, data management, and personalized communications that strengthen relationships and drive fundraising initiatives.

With experience in philanthropy, impact investing, and social enterprise, she specializes in fundraising strategy, program development, and strategic communications. Passionate about helping nonprofits and purpose-driven entrepreneurs scale their impact, she combines creative storytelling with relationship-building to drive meaningful change.

Before joining BRAC, Tiara worked across Africa and Asia in social enterprise incubation, program management, international development, and marketing. She holds a Master of Public Administration in Development Practice from Columbia University and a dual degree—a BBA in International Business and a BA in Advertising—from National Chengchi University in Taiwan.