November 28, 2023

Giving Tuesday: 3 reasons we’re giving thanks for our supporters

Rather than asking for gifts this Giving Tuesday, we are giving thanks for our global family of supporters. Find out three ways you have been instrumental in forging an impact around the world this year.



This Giving Tuesday, we want to give thanks for the global BRAC family. We are incredibly fortunate for the global community of supporters who are committed to improving lives and who share our belief in the power of people to rise above their circumstances. Your generosity fuels our mission to end poverty. Here are three reasons we’re thankful for each and every one of our donors and supporters, today and every day. 


1. Transforming lives

One of the most heartwarming aspects of our work is witnessing the transformative power of your support. Your generosity provides the tools, opportunities, and hope that enable families experiencing extreme poverty to change their own lives. 

Your support reaches thousands of little learners with high quality play-based learning, building resilience and setting them up for a bright future. It delivers vital medical care to mothers and children, saving countless lives, and reaches thousands of girls and young women with life and job skills that enable them to gain confidence and independence. Your generosity has already helped lift millions of families out of extreme poverty.

Your support genuinely transforms lives and offers hope to those who have felt the weight of poverty for far too long.


2. Sparking innovation

For decades, BRAC has been an innovator and a learning organization—and it’s all thanks to our global family of donors and supporters. While our largest funders often support our proven programs, it’s our small-dollar donors who often provide the flexible funding that enables us to design and test new solutions to emerging problems.

Over the years, BRAC has developed countless innovations that have dramatically improved lives, from oral rehydration campaigns that saved the lives of countless children in the 1980s to our flagship Ultra-Poor Graduation approach that’s proven to set the poorest families on an upward economic trajectory for more than a decade after the program ends. Our supporters’ undying trust and generosity enables us to develop and test new innovations that save lives and lift families out of poverty.

Our team is working alongside communities that are experiencing great challenges—and we are working alongside them to build great solutions. By trusting BRAC with your support, you are investing in the next great innovation to address poverty, malnutrition, or climate change. None of that would be possible without the generous supporters who help to spark innovation. 


3. Driving impact at scale

In addition to helping develop new innovations and transform lives, our supporters help us make an impact on a massive scale. Your generosity is the reason BRAC reaches more than 100 million people around the world with innovative and proven poverty solutions. 

Last year, for every dollar BRAC USA spent on fundraising, our team was able to return $23.50 directly to our programs supporting families in need. That means that even our small-dollar donors and supporters can make a massive impact and change countless lives. When you trust us with your support, you provide flexible funding that enables us to invest in fundraising and multiply the impact of your dollar on communities in need by more than 20. 

Beyond financial support, our dedicated network of supporters and advocates around the globe is the driving force that enables BRAC to reach more and more lives each year. Our dedicated supporters spread the word and share BRAC’s message, inspiring others to do the same. Your voice is exceptionally powerful, and we are so grateful for the commitment of our supporters who use their voices to raise awareness about global poverty and help build a community of changemakers who believe in the possibility of a world free from poverty.


Our journey together continues

Our work is a collective effort, and it wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of our global BRAC family. Your generosity transforms lives, sparks innovation, and drives impact at scale. With you by our side, we’re one step closer to a world where no one has to endure the hardships of poverty.


This holiday season we encourage you to take poverty personally. When you donate, you forge better futures for families who are experiencing extreme poverty. Learn how you can create a ripple effect for families living in poverty.


Sarah Allen is Communications Manager at BRAC USA.